Sponsored Tweets and MyLikes

Posted by Unknown On Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 2, 2011 0 nhận xét
SponsoredTweets referral badge

Most of the money that I make online right now comes from writing, but I also make money with affiliate marketing and advertising with Google Adsense, Google Affiliate Network, and Amazon Associates.
But in order to use these things (with success) one has to draw a lot of traffic to one's blogs and websites.

I personally do not draw huge numbers in yet.  At least not on my blog and website.  Where DO I have big numbers? Twitter and Facebook.

That's why I have also taken on Sponsored Tweets and MyLikes, two sites where you advertise for stuff that you like and get paid when people click on your links.  It's easy to keep track of sites like these and they seem to be working really well for me so far.

I have been with Sponsored Tweets longer, and I have to say I REALLY love this site.  Everything is easy to use! I can set my own tweeting price if I want and I only tweet the ads that I choose to tweet.  (Sorry Butt Paste, but I don't think I will ever be tweeting for you...)  Sponsored Tweets is also great because they have a referral program and lots of ways to refer people (banners, links, & even tweets that you can just fill in.) It's awesome.

I've already made a little over $15.00 on Sponsored Tweets, so I'm happy with it.  If you want to try it out, click here.

As for MyLikes... I just started with them recently, but they seem to be pretty cool.  Once again, as with Sponsored Tweets, I am not forced to just advertise whatever the site wants me to.  I get to pick.  I can even pick if I want to promote it on Twitter, Facebook, or both!  That, to me, is awesome!

I'm not sure that MyLikes pays as much per tweet as I can earn on Sponsored Tweets (where I am up to $1.25 per tweet) but they pay a lot more per click than is the usual on Sponsored Tweets AND MyLikes has contests where you can win prizes for doing well.  I like that!

If you want to check out MyLikes for yourself, click here.

A little advice for both Sponsored Tweets and MyLikes:
1. Make sure you have a large number of people following you on Twitter (& Facebook for MyLikes)
2. Don't just spam your followers with ads all the time.  People will click your ads more if you have a great relationship with them, talk to them, retweet their messages, and post interesting content in addition to your ads.
3. Space your ads out.  If you allow all your ads to hit around the same time, less people will click on each one.
4. Promote Sponsored Tweets and MyLikes on your blogs, websites, Facebook, Myspace, etc.  The more people who know about them, the better.  Plus, you can have referral links set up so that people can sign up and make you more money! Yay! More money!
5. Try to avoid the temptation to take your earnings out right away.  Wait until you have a good hunk o' dough before you pull your money (on Sponsored Tweets, there is a fee if you pull it before payout, so it really is best just to wait.)

Best of luck to you all.  Stay tuned for more.
Peace and Love,

How I Make Money Online... The Introduction

Posted by Unknown On Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 1, 2011 0 nhận xét
It's 2011.  My online career needs to take off!  So does yours.  
So here's my idea: I will keep track of my online money making endeavors here in this money making blog.  I will give advice, opinions, antics, and updates on making money online. And hopefully, in doing this, I will learn how to make more money online (and so will you!)
To start us off, here's a little thing I posted on Facebook recently for my friends looking for work. (This is all stuff I do to make money online by the way.):

If anyone else here on Facebook is interested in working from home, I have decided I will make it easier for you to get started.  When I first started my online freelance writing/advertising career, I didn't know anything or anyone and it put me behind earnings wise.  Since I want the people I love to have things better than I did, I thought I would share some helpful resources with you.  So if you are a stay-at-home mom (or dad), a college student in need of extra money, someone who is chronically ill or on disability, or just a struggling bohemian trying to make it in a world where money rules... well then, this could be perfect for you!  Please, read on...

Writing Online:

Websites for Beginning Writers:
Squidoo: http://www.squidoo.com/lensmaster/referral/ponchomeg (BONUS: They have a referral program!)
Bukisa: http://www.bukisa.com/join/20001 (BONUS: They also have a referral program!)
Yahoo Contributor's Network: https://contributor.yahoo.com/signup.shtml
All Voices: http://www.allvoices.com/ (If you like writing news)

Websites for Intermediate Writers:
Start a Blog on Blogger: http://bit.ly/h0heXf

More Writing Resources:
PonchoMeg: The Modern Bohemian Writing Resources: http://www.ponchomegthemodernbohemian.com/practice.html
PonchoMeg: The Modern Bohemian's Blog: http://ponchomegthemodernbohemian.blogspot.com/

Other ways to make money:
Sponsored Tweets: http://spn.tw/r3ZXA (You will need a Twitter account)
Amazon Associates Affiliate Program: https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/ (for your blog or website)
Google Affiliate Network: http://www.google.com/ads/affiliatenetwork/ (for your blog or website)
Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/ (Sell arts and crafts)
RealStyle: http://realstyleonline.com/ (Become a movie/TV extra)

Other resources:
Shorten URL links for Twitter, Facebook, etc.: http://bit.ly/
Make a Twitter account: http://www.twitter.com/
"Ping" your articles and blog entries w/ Pingomatic!: http://pingomatic.com/

And I will add more later.
Let me know if you have any questions/concerns.

And I will indeed add more later.  Welcome to my new blog, and thanks for joining me on my journey.
Peace and Love,