How I Make Money Online... The Introduction

Posted by Unknown On Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 1, 2011 0 nhận xét
It's 2011.  My online career needs to take off!  So does yours.  
So here's my idea: I will keep track of my online money making endeavors here in this money making blog.  I will give advice, opinions, antics, and updates on making money online. And hopefully, in doing this, I will learn how to make more money online (and so will you!)
To start us off, here's a little thing I posted on Facebook recently for my friends looking for work. (This is all stuff I do to make money online by the way.):

If anyone else here on Facebook is interested in working from home, I have decided I will make it easier for you to get started.  When I first started my online freelance writing/advertising career, I didn't know anything or anyone and it put me behind earnings wise.  Since I want the people I love to have things better than I did, I thought I would share some helpful resources with you.  So if you are a stay-at-home mom (or dad), a college student in need of extra money, someone who is chronically ill or on disability, or just a struggling bohemian trying to make it in a world where money rules... well then, this could be perfect for you!  Please, read on...

Writing Online:

Websites for Beginning Writers:
Squidoo: (BONUS: They have a referral program!)
Bukisa: (BONUS: They also have a referral program!)
Yahoo Contributor's Network:
All Voices: (If you like writing news)

Websites for Intermediate Writers:
Start a Blog on Blogger:

More Writing Resources:
PonchoMeg: The Modern Bohemian Writing Resources:
PonchoMeg: The Modern Bohemian's Blog:

Other ways to make money:
Sponsored Tweets: (You will need a Twitter account)
Amazon Associates Affiliate Program: (for your blog or website)
Google Affiliate Network: (for your blog or website)
Etsy: (Sell arts and crafts)
RealStyle: (Become a movie/TV extra)

Other resources:
Shorten URL links for Twitter, Facebook, etc.:
Make a Twitter account:
"Ping" your articles and blog entries w/ Pingomatic!:

And I will add more later.
Let me know if you have any questions/concerns.

And I will indeed add more later.  Welcome to my new blog, and thanks for joining me on my journey.
Peace and Love,